Fast Facts

Student Success

  • Seven in 10 of California’s nurses receive their training at a California community college.
  • Eight in 10 police officers, firefighters and EMTs are trained at a California community college.
  • Nearly half of students earning a bachelor’s degree from a University of California campus in science, technology, engineering and mathematics transferred from a California community college.
  • Twenty-nine percent of University of California graduates and 51% of California State University graduates started at a community college.

Return on Investment

  • The California Community Colleges is the largest provider of workforce training in the nation.
  • California taxpayers receive $4.50 for every $1 invested in students who graduate from a California community college.
  • Students earning a degree or certificate from a California community college nearly double their earnings within three years.
  • Attending or graduating from a California Community College nearly doubles your chance of finding a job compared to those who failed to complete high school.
  • Occupations that typically require workers to have an associate degree for entry have an average annual wage of almost $53,000, compared to an average annual wage of $36,100 for workers in high school-level occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Employment in associate and postsecondary non degree-level occupations is projected to grow 11% in the 10-year period ending in 2026, faster than the 7% average projected for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In-Demand Education

  • The Public Policy Institute of California estimates California will face a shortage of 1 million holders of college degrees and certificates needed to fuel its workforce by 2025.

General Facts

  • With more than 2.1 million students at 115 colleges, the California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the country.
  • One in every four community college students in the nation attend a California community college.
  • One in every four Californians age 18-24 are enrolled in a California Community College.
  • The number of course sections offered by the California Community Colleges has jumped from 329,122 in 2012-13 to 384,377 in 2016-17, an increase of nearly 17%.

Student Demographics by Ethnicity (2017-18)

Hispanic 44.54%
White 25.88%
Asian 11.56%
African-American 5.90%
Unknown 4.77%
Multi-Ethnicity 3.82%
Filipino 2.69%
Native American 0.43%
Pacific Islander 0.41%

Student Demographics by Age (2016-17)

≤20 26.80%
20-24 30.90%
25-39 26.90%
40 and over 15.40%

Student Demographics by Gender (2016-17)

Female 53.60%
Male 45.20%
Unknown 1.20%

California Community College Fee History

1984-85 $5
1991-92 $6
1993-94 $10
1994-95 $13
1998-99 $12
1999-00 $11
2003-04 $18
2004-05 $26
2006-07 $20
2009-10 $26
2011-12 $36
Summer 2012 $46
*The information and statistics presented on this page have been shared via California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (

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