Fall Conference – 2022


Everything you need to know to get the most out of the virtual conference experience. 

Desktop URL for EventMobi: https://eventmobi.com/cccaoe22/

Mobile Event Code for EventMobi app: CCCAOE22

Conference session recordings are in the EventMobi site until March 2023!

How to Access the Conference Platform

Informational Flyer for Fall 2022 Conference


Classified Strand Informational Flyer during Virtual Conference 


CCCAOE’s Fall 2022 Conference will bring learning to transform the model of career development around sustainable calls to action. The event is a vital component of the growth and development of career education and educators.


Join in the energizing opportunity to hear from leaders and peers, who like you, show up every day in their roles as active leaders.

Workshops are focused on strengthening connections, partnerships, and innovation, sharing the voices of those who aren’t being heard, and highlighting the great work that is happening all across the state.


A special classified strand will provide technical sessions to build the skills and capacity of those supporting career education programs (special virtual-only rate). Sessions are intended to nurture a sense of community and belonging between all students, faculty, and staff on your campuses, with a focus on innovation in diversity and inclusion for all.


Foster Change
Student Success
Latest education models and tools

This conference is designed for: 

Professors &
Classroom Educators

Deans &
Program Managers

Administrators &
Administrative Assistants

Top 5 reasons members attend:



1. “My students are counting on me.”

Invest in your students and schools by attending. Get information, share insights, find solutions and ways to increase recruitment and retention rates.


2. “From a leadership perspective, I can’t afford not to attend.”

This is the only career education professional development opportunity that offers the leadership and faculty perspective. Partner directly with leaders in the education arena and collaborate with your peers to tackle the issues you face in your own district or regions.


3. “It’s how I follow education trends and best practices.”

Whether it’s issues related to budget and finance; innovation and student learning; leadership; equity; community engagement, communication or collaboration, this premier event focuses on key areas to share best practices and programs being implemented in the field.


4. “I discover practical solutions to education challenges.”

We deliver practical solutions to help Career Education teams improve education and economic development opportunities.


5. “It’s a way to partner with education experts.”

Spend time with our business partners on our fast-growing Vendor Show floor and find out how they can help you effectively manage and lead your districts with the various product and service solutions they offer.

Attending this event will kickstart change at your college

Get a direct connection to a network of career education practitioners

that share best practices.


Learn how to navigate the California Community College system and

advocate more effectively for your programs.

“As always, the networking opportunities to connect with folks in my area at different campuses is the best thing about this conference.” – 2019 Conference Attendee

“My favorite part of the CCCAOE Conference is the knowledgeable and dedicated presenters that took time to collaborate and connect colleagues from various colleges!” – 2019 Conference Attendee

Learning about what other colleges are doing across the state, the best practices, and insight to overcome issues… these are the reasons I attend.” – 2019 Conference Attendee


I have attended past events. Is there a place to login and skip entering all my information again?

No, each event is a new registration.

Are hotel accommodations included in my registration?

No. – All attendees are responsible for covering the cost of their own hotel accommodations

Where can I find the schedule at a glance?

The schedule is outlined at the top of this page.

Will meals be provided to attendees?

Breakfast and lunch are provided daily.

Can I substitute my registration for someone else?

Attendance Substitutes are acceptable. However, after the cancellation deadline, you are responsible for full payment.
Please email substitute’s first and last name, cellphone (for registration purposes) as well as their job title and college/organization affiliation to registration@cccaoe.org for name tag and registration purposes as early as possible.
Please include your name and organization in the email.

Is there a way to request a refund if I register and am unable to attend?

Yes. – Please consult our refund policy here.
Refunds will take 4 – 6 weeks post conference.


October 5 – 7, 2022


October 25 – 27, and Nov 1- 3, 2022
9 Unique Days
In-person and Virtual
Colleges Represented
Sponsors and Exhibitors


Amy Christianson, Executive Director


Mailing Address:
1800 21st Street PMB 205
Sacramento, CA 95811

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